Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome to the Rest of the World (Or Maybe, Welcome to Reality?)

I've had a wake-up call today, a serious one at that, that perhaps places me within the same realm of worries as the rest of the world right now. I thought about keeping the incident off the blog because I don't think anyone wants to hear about my worries, especially when right now everyone else has their own. Maybe my "problem" is only a little-itty-bitty-Sophia problem, even though to me it seems like an end-of-the-world problem. But I have to moan and groan about it because it makes me feel better, instead of holding it inside feeling like a balloon about to pop under pressure.

Basically, the good credit that I've worked hard to build over the 12 years since my 18th birthday has just gone to pot, all because of a mistake made by the Experian credit reporting agency. They merged someone else's report in with mine because of a typing error. The other person's Social Security number was one digit different than mine. This person has horrible credit, with over $10,000 in write-offs or collection agency accounts. It all ended on my credit report, and I didn't know it until I received three letters in the mail from various credit card companies informing me that they closed my accounts due to "delinquent credit accounts" found on the Experian report. Naturally, I called Experian and they removed the other person's information off my account, but the credit card companies that took their credit lines away from me will not replace the credit because they said I wasn't making use of all the limit. I had a very good balance to limit ratio which made my score look good, and now my balance and limit are almost the same. I was just getting ready to refinance my house so I could have more affordable monthly payments. Also, it was nice to have a little bit of credit in case of emergency.

I'm trying to remind myself that other people have bigger problems - well, the whole world has problems, actually. I'm trying to keep my problems in perspective, it just seems like the nice little world I was living in - Sophia's World - has just crumbled.

I don't like that something as materialistic as a credit score can affect me so much as to take my focus away from spirituality.

I'm trying to accept this lesson. It's a hard one. I know I should thank the Universe for showing me what other people are going through right now.

Throughout the latter part of today I've been hearing in the back of my mind, a famous phrase by Meher Baba, "Don't worry; be happy."


klaus s said...

The Word of God:"Don't worry; be happy."

Live it.

That's all God requires of You.

Sophia said...

Time seems to be a good doctor.

Anonymous said...

Sophia, I believe that image is by cherie plumlee. she has many more lovely images of Baba here
i enjoy reading your thoughtful and heartful posts. Jai Meher Baba!

Sophia said...

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for telling me who the artist is. I removed the image because her webpage says that images can't be used without permission, but it's nice to know who made it so that I can see more like it. It brought me great comfort to see that image. It's very peaceful.

Thanks also for your kind comment. :)

Anonymous said...

"Praise Allah, but tie up the camels anyway" - Al Radhi ibn Said ibn Dun

They did it to me and it was a week of serious anxiety. Friends help.

Sophia said...

Hi Infinite Perfect Love,

You mean the agencies did this to you, too?

Something like this can make me feel like people are out to get me. But then I'm reminded of what someone recently told me... "Why do you think you're so important that people would be out to get you?"

Thank God for the friends that keep my thinking in perspective.