Sunday, January 4, 2009

Visions of Half-Sleep

Some visions appeared as I lay in the bed trying to fall asleep. Falling asleep proved futile but at least I had some visuals.

1. A dead bird lay on its back on a napkin in someone's hand. It was wet, and I assume it had drowned.

2. I was trying to open a door but the handle came off in my hand.

3. I was a young unmarried Middle Eastern woman. I was in a room alone with an unmarried young man, and we were unsupervised. My parents caught us and my father said he would beat me.

Just trying to interpret these, I came-up with some ideas, but there are probably multitudes of meanings for them. Here are the ones I came up with shortly after having the visions:

1. As I've been feeling depressed lately, I feel as if I've sunken when before I was flying high as a bird, spiritually.

2. Perhaps I don't have a handle on things.

2b. Another variation on #2 - earlier I had been reading a chapter about Aldous Huxley, and it talked about his book _The Doors of Perception_. Perhaps the door to Reality cannot be opened by conventional means.

3. I do not have any ideas about this one.

I will write more later, to my friends through email and also in the comments. Just waiting for something interesting to say....


V said...

Extreme ying leads to yang.
Extreme passivity brings about activity. Extreme activity passivity.
Passive awareness brings active relatedness.
Conserve you energy. Don't waste it.

Sophia said...

What you've described sounds very similar to what I go through. It's just a constant cycle.

V said...

Keep on dreaming. That's life and experience.
Don't try to remember anything. It's meaningless.
Speak from the heart.

V said...

Don't astral project. Surf!

V said...

How to dream a lot. Sleep a lot.

V said...

How to find love. Love!