Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dream Date January 18, 2009

Today, another dental dream:

This time I'm in my real dentist's office. I'm in the waiting room signing in at the window, but instead of sitting down I stand waiting by the door where the hygienist usually comes to call for me, because I see her getting ready to come after me anyway behind the door. No use in sitting down.

Strangely, it's Thanksgiving. (Dentists are never open on Thanksgiving!)

We walk back to the chair where the hygienist normally cleans my teeth. There is no one else back there, no other customers, but my dentist is just lounging back on the chair I normally have my teeth cleaned on. I tease him: "Hey, what's a dentist doing enjoying Thanksgiving?" He smiles and we laugh. Then he starts to get up so that I can lay back in the chair. (It was unusual seeing my dentist smile in my dream because he never smiles in real life. When my sister, neighbors and I were kids, behind his back we called him "Scary Gary Mc***** - I won't say his last name to protect his identity, but his last name rhymes with scary and Gary.) (Anyway, here I am, 30 years old, still going to the same dentist. Sense of humor or not I must like him to have stuck with him all this time. Not to mention I still have no cavities.)


Anonymous said...

It's amazing that you have never had a cavity! What is your secret?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that you have never had a cavity! What is your secret?

Sophia said...

I'm not really sure. I think maybe I was just blessed with hard enamel. I feel lucky, because I definitely don't want to find out what it feels like to have to get one filled in. :)

Some people I know actually feel anxiety about having to go to their dental appointments. I don't feel any fear or anxiety at all. I don't want that to change!

Anonymous said...

I had a root canal done once. Everyone told me it was no big deal. Well, let me tell you, it was the procedure from hell! The dentist didn't even numb the right spot, and I felt the whole thing. Because he didn't numb the right spot, he injected into my jaw muscle, my muscle became very tight. They had to pry my mouth open with some darn thing, so I had the pain of my jaw being pryed open and the drilling of my tooth.

Sophia said...

If that doesn't bring the fear of the dentist into me, I don't know what will!

It sounds like it was a horrible experience, sorry you had to go through that. I don't guess you look forward to dental appointments and I certainly wouldn't blame you.