Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gateway Experience Journal April 11, 2007

This night's lesson was more a lesson on self-improvement than anything else. We did our usual preparatory steps and then went into focus 10 and next into focus 12. Once in focus 12, he instructed us to present a question and wait for the answer to come back to us. I didn't know in advance what this lesson was going to be about or I would have been more prepared with a question, but anyway, I still managed to think of something that bothers me and is sometimes in my conscious thoughts and undoubtedly usually in my subconscious thoughts. I don't have to use the phone that often at work to call customers, but sometimes we go through phases where there is phone use, and also in the near future I will be traveling to visit companies and will have to give presentations. Dealing and socializing professionally with strangers either on the phone or face-to-face has caused me great anxiety for years. I asked the Universe how I could move beyond this anxiety, and how I could deal more easily with people. Sure enough, an answer came back to me. The Universe explained to me that it is the illusion of separation between myself and other people that causes this anxiety, and that to move beyond the anxiety I need to remember that when dealing with other people I am really dealing with other parts of myself. I need to remember that everything is connected and part of a greater whole. Everyone that I deal with is human, just like me, and has their own trials and tribulations; no one is perfect. We're all just trying to live life.


Anonymous said...

Excellent lesson. One which we should all take note of! Thanks for sharing what you learned.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is true. But how do we actually lose the illusion of separation? And overcome our social anxiety?
Or is the anxiety nothing but a feeling of inferiority? Of being judged as being lesser or less capable than other people? Or just being self-conscious?

Sophia said...

Thanks for reading, Mark. :)

Sophia said...

Anonymous, I think one way to lose the illusion of separation is simply to have the knowledge that there is no separation. Many people are not aware of this. In fact, once one is aware of it, they may still act as before, but only because of habit.

I think the anxiety comes from a feeling of everything you mentioned - inferiority or of fear of being judged by those somehow deemed better or more able, and clearly a feeling of self-consciousness.