Thursday, August 30, 2007


From the vessel of his heart, he pours his love,
Into the chambers of her soul, filling her.
And this love overflows, so that she may
Share with the rest of the world.
Every day his love tenderly showers her, drenching her,
Until the time comes that he is completely within her.
At that moment, they will merge into the one
They were meant to be from the beginning.


goatman said...

A beautiful love song. You are truly inspired.
Does the poem come out all at once or do you have to ponder and work on the details before it is written?

Alexys Fairfield said...

This is lovely and it has has filled my day with such loveliness.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is really good!

It reminds me that I have to accept and embrace love... that I have to be full of it myself, before it can be what I always share with everyone I meet.

I'm glad I stopped by. You reminded me of the work I have to do.

Oh and did you see my comment about your video? :)

Sophia said...


Actually, every sentence is a struggle. I'd give anything to have it all come out at once! I spend so much time writing, sitting and pondering, calculating, analyzing, practically agonizing over what the next sentence will be.

Thanks; I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am inspired. Ever since you said I should try poetry, I've been giving it a chance.

Sophia said...


Thank you! I'm glad I could brighten your day in this way. :)

Sophia said...



Sophia said...


It is true. You must love yourself before you can love someone else. I think that's a line I heard in a recent Madonna song.

What kind of work do you have to do?

Oh yes, I saw your comment about my video! I won't put myself on video until I lose a few pounds, first! I've thought about adding sound files to my blog, though. Yes, some podcasts. I wanted to start a series where I read Aesop's Fables.

Thanks for stopping by and for your words of encouragement. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Evening Sophia!
That was lovely... I seems this could be read and interpreted on many different levels..

Nice it got me think'n ;)

Sophia said...


Good, I'm glad it got you thinking. There are are a couple levels that I'm thinking that this could be construed. First, is the basic physical union, or lovemaking. Second, is the union of two soulmates, two halves making one whole.

There could be others, but I haven't seen them, yet. I'd love some more interpretations!

Anonymous said...

Very nice my dear.

May I offer an alternate ending?

"in a shimmering instant
they each disolve into a delicate nothingness
leaving only divine love."

Another way of looking at it is from the psychological perspective. When they each stop thinking about themselves then psychologically they cease to be "ME"s. This might temporarily make room for something higher to manifest.

I look forward to your next work.

p.s. I would like to hear you read stories or poems.

Jim said...

Beautiful on any level. Share the Love Sophia, let it flow.

no name said...

I'll second Jim. Beautiful on any level :)

Sophia said...


Sure, you can change the ending. Teamwork is fantastic! And your ending is superb, I might add.

Wouldn't it be nice to swim in an ocean of love? I think we're already swimming in it, only we don't realize it yet.

Sophia said...


I'm happy to share. :) There's plenty to go around!

Sophia said...


Why, thank you! I'm going to go and pay you a visit now and see what you've been up to. I remember you're quite an excellent poet. Your poems have inspired me before.

goatman said...

Thanks for describing your process. The end result flows so smoothly it looks as if it was one stream of thought presenting all at once.
My process is similar (I was asked to try poetry by fellow bloggers). I have notes, thoughts, words, themes, sentences. stanzas and possible lines written on any available blank space. I even stopped once while driving to record a thought.
Putting it together is the task. And putting it together well, as you do, is the hope.

Sophia said...

Goatman, perhaps I'd accomplish a lot more if I wrote down my thoughts throughout the day. The way it is now, I take time out of the day, sit down and think, "OK, I'm going to write a poem now. I have no idea what it's going to be about, but I'm going to start something and see where it goes from here." That's how it works for me.

From those notes of yours, you can put the pieces of the puzzle together.

I've been thinking of another way to write poetry. I was going to gather a bunch of random words, found anywhere, and try to put them together to form a poem. I may try it once, just to see if my idea is a good one.

goatman said...

The random-word poem is interesting. Kind of like the game where you ask for various parts of speech from a crowd and put them together into a sentence.
Where would inspiration come into play in such a scheme?

Anonymous said...


Philosophia! Love that poem! Cheers for sharing it with the rest of us.


Sophia said...

Goatman, I am sure I can dig up enough inspiration for just about anything. :) Even the simple sentences we speak throughout the day are inspired... by something.... It's what propels us onward.

Sophia said...

Jurgen, thank you!

You did not leave a link so that I could return the visit with which you have blessed me.