Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More Light Than Can Be Seen

Having recently suffered from something akin to writers' block, I do not have any new material for this blog at the moment. Give it time, and I am sure I will have a subject that I want to share with the world. (Or more like, my five or six readers... :)

I do, however, wish to start depositing bits of wisdom into this blog, found throughout various esoteric, spiritual or religious texts.

The first on offer, is a bit I found from Manly P. Hall's, _Secret Teachings of All Ages_.

"Since light is the basic physical manifestation of life, bathing all creation in its radiance, it is highly important to realize, in part at least, the subtle nature of this divine substance. That which is called light is actually a rate of vibration causing certain reactions upon the optic nerve. Few realize how they are walled in by the limitations of the sense perceptions. Not only is there a great deal more to light than anyone has ever seen but there are also unknown forms of light which no optical equipment will ever register. There are unnumbered colors which cannot be seen, as well as sounds which cannot be heard, odors which cannot be smelt, flavors which cannot be tasted, and substances which cannot be felt. Man is thus surrounded by a supersensible universe of which he knows nothing because the centers of sense perception within himself have not been developed sufficiently to respond to the subtler rates of vibration of which that universe is composed."

For you, my friends, a reminder that there is more to the Universe than meets the eye. (Unless we're talking about the third eye....)

Tonight I hope to get caught-up on comments. I've gotten behind again. My apologies; I've been very busy at home and work!


Anonymous said...

The Divine Light is there waiting for us to acknowledge it.....but we allow ourselves to be distracted don't we?


Anonymous said...

To prove this to be true, we would have never known about bacteria and viruses unless we discovered and used magnifying glass/microscope.

Take care Sophia!

Jim said...

My best to you Sophia, enjoyed the reading, wait to see more, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I really liked that Sophia, glad to meet you.


Vincent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
goatman said...

I wonder if the limitations he speaks of are defense mechanisms left over historically from when danger was all around. If we were allowed to experience the sensory "all" around us we would be so overwhelmed and amazed that anyone/thing could take advantage.

WOW, what a trip!

Vincent said...

I'm sorry to dampen this Sophia but to me it sounds like classic mumbo-jumbo. It starts off with telling us about the known and proceeds to claim that this points to an unknown which deserves to be known.

Next thing, we ,may expect a Teacher to pop up with the priceless yet affordable spiritual snake-oil.

I suggest that there is enough of the Universe which does meet the eye to keep us going for many lifetimes, without need of any secret teachings.

Sophia said...


It is so very easy to become distracted! There are many tempting things that get in the way.

Sophia said...


That is a very good example! Thanks. :)

Sophia said...


It's my pleasure. :)

Sophia said...


Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed. It's nice to meet you, too.

Sophia said...


That is an excellent explanation. I wonder if there was a time when all senses were fully intact, and if so, I wonder if we will evolve into getting those senses back.

Sophia said...

Vincent, my favorite skeptic, :)

If I didn't believe this, it would take away all the magic that's in the world. I do not have proof, yet I remain hopeful. I am sure the afterlife will offer proof.