Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Synchronicity Journal September 12, 2007

I was reading my friend Starrchilde's blog just moments ago, and she was relating to us an inside joke between her and her husband, in which he responds to her with, "Co-ed naked?"

Right after reading that, I went to read an article on LiveReals's website about spiritual enlightenment. Close to the beginning of the article, they say, humorously, that spiritual enlightenment is more thrilling than coed naked fireskiing.

I just had to quietly laugh to myself and shake my head. As always these synchronicities amuse me.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never seen co-ed naked fireskiing, but I am sure it is also enlightening :)

Peace and Many Blessings!

Sophia said...


I've never seen it either. But it sure sounds hot, temperature-wise, at least!