Monday, September 17, 2007

Spiritual Autolysis

I am trying to think of things to write down in a spiritual autolysis journal. (For those who don't know, spiritual autolysis is Jed McKenna's method of getting down to the truth.)

I can't even get started with my journal. Everything I think of I already know of as false. I can't get beyond the fact that the only thing I know to be true at this moment is the fact that I exist.

Does anyone have any good examples to help me get started? There are no examples online. Don't you people blog about your spiritual autolysis journals? I've gone through every link in Google. Nothing!


Twit said...

Ok, so you've got, "...the fact that I exist.".

Maybe now you can explore what you really understand to be, "I".

Just a thought.

Sophia said...

Hi Twit,

At this point I can only make guesses. It's like trying to pin the tail on the donkey blindfolded. Who am I? Is I God, cosmic consciousness, awareness, the Universe, the One? I'm trying to intellectualize it when I want to realize it and feel it. What does one feel like once they have the answer to this question? Is it just more knowledge that I'm going to store in my brain? Does having knowledge that most people don't have make me enlightened?

Joe B said... about following some real simple things to the place where you draw the conclusion they cannot be proven real in exquisite detail.

You like the little dog you have. Also seems like you act pretty much like the dog is real. Can you follow a thread to show yourself it is or isn't? If it's not, why do you act as if it is?

Have you really followed a thread like this back to its source?

Start with concrete things first and really try to convince yourself and someone else they are not real or are real. You can always give me your husband's boat, since it's not real anyway. Right? See how that works to convince you it is not provable as true or false.

I think you may be working at the end result you want or have been told about and think you already got there. What I am suggesting is to dig a little deeper into something near and dear and see what you come up with.

Some areas that you might look at are money, job, family, friends, home, health. All the messy non spiritual stuff. Since everything is spiritual eventually, it's a good place to start.

Anonymous said...

How about, "Now I am experiencing looking at my computer monitor, my feet are on the floor, I have a little tension in my jaw and I am here."

It is not so much knowing that these things are true as experiencing these things repeatedly and repeatedly knowing that I am experiencing them.

It would probably help to try to ask yourself "Where am I?" or "What am I experiencing now?" three times a day.

Anyway I think that you are on the right track.

Sophia said...

Hi Joe,

I think you're right. I am probably just taking a guess as to how it will all turn out based on things I have read or heard. It's kind of like proving a mathematical theorem by stating the final result without working through all the steps.

Thanks for the ideas and for helping me get started. Soon I'll probably post something to my blog.

By the way, I told my husband you'd take his boat. He protested. LOL :)

Sophia said...


Thanks to you, too, for your ideas. These are all great places for me to start. Sometimes it just takes a little encouragement and a gentle push in the right direction. :)

jon be me said...

Hi Sophia,
Just found your site today. Nice!

I think "trying to intellectualize it" is the wrong way. Go with your feelings and intuition. Like you said, "...I want to realize it and feel it." I believe this is the best way.

I think our soul is continualy sending us "messages? that most of us, me incuded, miss. These can not be realized by "intellect" but by the senses...or something like that!!

Keep searching and the answers will appear...sooner or later!


Take care.

Sophia said...

I Be Me,

Thanks for the visit. It's nice to meet you! I'll come take a look at your corner of the blogosphere, too.

You're right that trying to intellectualize things is the wrong way. However, I need to learn to trust my feelings and intuition. Most of my life I've considered myself a thinking person, or a problem solver. I've relied on methodical analysis and algorithms for many things. I'm probably too left-brained! I'd like to find more balance, and learn to use my right side. I think that lately I've been on the right path where this is concerned. At least, I hope so. Is this rightorrong? :)

Bobby said...

Well probably a little late .. 3 years to be exact. But in case you didn't get it there's some info on my blog.

A little shortcut, have you.

Anonymous said...

What am I that is true?
Spiritual autolysis feels uncomfortable.
Not really.
Not truly.
Okay let's try with something external to I.
I'm not saying that it's true that it is external, or that 'I' has a boundary.
Does 'I' have an external boudary?
Not always.
But not in an abiding way.
The bic lighter is orange.
The bic lighter is orange.
Of course I'm writing about a particular bic lighter. No ambiguity.
Le bic lighter is orange.
What is orange?

"Color or colour (see spelling differences) is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, green, blue, and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors."

Is that true? I have no idea.
I think so. I turn off the light or close my eyes colors cease to be.
But the lighter also stops being orange.
The lighter is orange when the light is on.
Light on -> Orange lighter.
Can the lighter be orange without the light being on?
I don't know.
But let's first examine the hypotheses being made.
Light exist (so as to be or not be on)
The lighter exists (to be or not be a certain color).
What proves that?
The fact I perceive them.
Always that 'I' thing.
So if I become blind the lighter and light cease to exist.
That's not what I said. Impossible to know because I have never been blind.
I have never been blind?

Anonymous said...

"This isn't about personal awareness or self-exploration. It's not about feelings or insights. It's not about personal or spiritual evolution. This is about what you know for sure, about what you are sure you know is true, about what you are that is true" Damnedest

Anonymous said...


With all due respect, I suggest you read Jed's trilogy again and again (Especially "Notebook", nr. 4 in fact) till there are no more questions left to be asked.
And that goes for the rest of the bloggers on your page as well.
A million different questions will spark a million different, that's helpful...


Anonymous said...

Here ya go:


You exist.
Everything is here and now.
The one is all and the all are one.
What you put out is what you get back.
Everything changes, except the first four laws.
That’s all there is. Everything else is based upon a combination of those ideas, and based upon your own personal perspective, which is your truth.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. I'm amazed that this old blog of mine has a recent comment, given that I haven't made a recent post in a very very long time. I'm working on "spiritual" things in other places.

Funny I get this comment on the same day I make a post about All-Is-One-ish-ness.
The Universe is already much more mysterious and magical to me than it was when I was working on this blog. I don't know if that's progress or not, but I'm very happy with what I've been "seeing."

Val said...

Did you ever complete the spiritual autolysis? Do you have an example you can post now. I am looking for them myself and there still is not much out there as far as "example" out there. Of someone doing it from start to finish to themselves and no be talking to any reader.. just how it looks like written down.



Anonymous said...

This is all spiritual autolysis. What we've been "writing" all these years.

Anonymous said...

I'm not even high.

Anonymous said...

I am that which sees/hear