Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dream Date August 29, 2007

I am walking by the edge of a wooded area. Up ahead, in the green of the other trees, is a cluster of white-leaved trees. I approach the area with the white trees, and enter the forest at this point. I encounter a group of people, who are mining for opals. Everyone is walking around, trying to find them. I look beneath my feet, and see on the ground some stones of pink and blue. I dig them out of the dirt, and place as many as I can into both pockets of a red jacket that I am wearing.


Jim said...

I will try this, remember it is only MY interp, may not be yours or about you at all...but it is such a great dream Sophia!

You, dear Sophia, are going to find the Spirit (as the greatest treasure of value in the world), in and thru the ordinary and mundane things of the world, (that is the white trees in the forest of the normal everyday green trees), and even in that, you will find the understanding of that greatest valued Spirit, in the very most mundane and least expected places and things, or people and events, (the stones under the trees on the ground in the dirt, found while walking with others), and the Spirit and treasure of the greatest value (which you will surely find, as indicated here), will be original and unique and very specially yours and yours above all that others search for, this says that yours more specifically personal and special than what most seek and find thru groups and popular means.

Putting these then, into both pockets of your red jacket, this indicates that you will find that these Spiritual Treasures you find, will become even more intimately personal to you and will become integrated into your very Life (as opposed to staying abstract or impersonal), and the red jacket is the Living Life of your heart, the Life surrounding your central core of existence, which you 'wear' as a regular and normal part of your life.

I could sum this up, especially the last part, by saying that your Spiritual Discoveries will become lived and not just some intellectual add-on to your life, and you will be identified thru your very Spirituality found after this very original and unique journey and discovery.

Hope that was not too long winded, I get going and can't quit some times.

Thanks Sophia, for the opportunity. Love and Peace my dear friend.

Sophia said...

Jim, this makes a lot of sense. Thank you for taking the time to type it all out. I feel so special, that you would give your time to me in this way. It is deeply personal, and I'm happy to share that time and experience with you.

I remember once complaining to myself about mundane life. It seemed there was nothing special about it, and so it frustrated me to find myself stuck there. But, in November of last year, I temporarily gave up the spiritual journey. I started to watch t.v., reading more, creating art again, and just enjoying the simple pleasures of life. When I was caught up in this mundane world, I started to experience the synchronicities, when I least expected them. So, you are right. Sometimes in the midst of the mundane, we can find the deeply spiritual.

Jim said...

I enjoyed it, I thank you for sharing it, I thank you for YOU dear Sophia, you are indeed unique and very Spiritual in your whole being. Those mundane things are just as Spiritual as anything is, maybe even more so, would we but could see it, you may have that power. I think you do, and always did.

Sophia said...

Jim, you're right. The mundane is, like everything else, divine!