Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sophia's Koans

It will come in its time, and not before, or after, you're ready.

Patience is a virtue God gave us so that we wouldn't turn the world to chaos while waiting in line for a venti mocha.

Pain is a gift, so that we may know pleasure.

Sadness is a gift, too, so that we may know happiness.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw myself through my eyes looking back at myself. I also felt you looking at me. It was like someone was watching me.

Everything includes Nothing.

I am being myself, but I am also being you.

Once, I saw spiders made of shadows crawling up the wall.

When it rains cats and dogs, there are pawprints on my car's hood.

When you walked with me on the beach, I only saw one set of footprints.

One year I planted a tree. The next, I went back and found only a seed.

Now is yesterday's tomorrow and tomorrow's yesterday.

Now is all we have, even though I'd like to see you again tomorrow.

Last night I was dreaming and thought I was awake. Now I am awake but thinking I am dreaming.

I may not know you, but we have a lot in common... a lot.

Loneliness is standing in a crowd but still feeling all alone.

Unity divided is division.

Division united is unity.

One word can paint thousands of pictures. That word is Love.

My dog looked in the mirror and thought he was God.

Here's a fact of life: There are more cells than there are bodies.

My computer bytes.

Just one exception, I am exceptional.

When I breathe I wish that one molecule of air was once in your lungs.

My frame-of-mind has a Salvador Dali in it.

Lights don't repel the darkness. Enlightenment does.

When you bump into your soul mate, it's not love at first sight. You've always been together.


goatman said...

You should try some poetry.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is

"One year I planted a tree. The next, I went back and found only a seed."

Sophia said...


Thanks. I used to write poetry. I had a blog where I kept all my poetry. But one day, I became frustrated with what I had written, so I deleted the entire blog. There were months of poems on it. Sometimes I regret deleting them, but doing so allowed me to start over in an area that I definitely needed starting over in. Back then, words seemed to flow so much smoother and easier. Sometimes the current would be strong and I would write furiously, trying to put all my ideas on paper. Now, there is a drought inside my head, and I can't write much of anything.

Sophia said...


Thank you! :)

I really don't know what I meant when I wrote it, but looking back now I believe that life has so many branches and becomes quite complex, like a tree. Sometimes it's nice to go back to the basics, or to the beginning, and to be more like a child who views the world with wonder, instead of analyzing everything like I am sometimes wont to do.

Happy Thursday, my dear friend. Thanks for your comment. :)

Jim said...

I like 'em all Sophia, but especially 'I am being myself, but I am also being you.'

and, the love at first sight one, I think all love is remembering you love, then doing that love, knowing it again, yes remembering.

and the 'exception to the rule', you are an exceptional person for sure, Sophia.

Sophia said...

Hi Jim,

I'm glad you like them.

I feel funny for the "I am exceptional" one. It makes me sound vain, but I was mostly doing a play on words, and liked how exception and exceptional went together. But anyway, I needed to say something good about myself, because I've been beating myself up lately. Positive thoughts can only do good. :)

And Love... well, what can I say? That word can only inspire me to say my simple things; I can't write beautifully like some poets can. I envy them for being able to put beautiful expressions to paper.

Thanks, Jim, and you're beautiful, just so you know.