I am involved in my life's journey, trying to make improvements where I need them; at the same time I am searching for meaning and making attempts to further understand the nature of the world, universe, myself and others. In so doing I seek to make deeply emotional connections with other people involved in their own journey.
And . . . ? And . . . ? You whet the appetite for more, Sophia.
this sounds like the field I call emotionography ~ you are outstanding in the field ~ I go with your flow ~ the bubbling brook leads to the ocean, which can connect us all ~ com.unity
Although we are all on the same path I think I often over-estimate my understanding of exactly where others are on that path.
It seems to me that I need to concentrate more on myself and less on worrying about where others are at.
Best wishes, Rob (MMMMM)
Yes you are walking the walk, and talking the talk, you do make us want to hear more.
I second your motion Sophia. It took me so long to find like mind spirits. If I can be so honest to say, I have found more online in the cyber world then I have in real life circle.
It is always more fun to seek with friends :)
Hi Vincent,
There are more goals I'd like to accomplish, certainly, like losing weight, being more content, feeling more motivated. Another goal is trying to keep in better touch with my friends. Almost every time we lose touch, it is usually my fault. At the same time my connections with other people are one of my life's staples; I need them to thrive. It could be some deep-seated need for affection, love, acceptance, validation, etc., but woman without friends is truly a lonely woman indeed.
Speaking of connections, would you mind sending me an invite to your blog to this email address: puzzledwoeman@gmail.com That is not my usual email address but it is the address I use to log-in to blogger, so in order to comment on your blogs I need an invite sent there. Thanks, Vincent!
Hi Brad4d,
"The bubbling brook leads to the ocean." This is such an expressive statement!
I usually make most of my decisions based on emotions. I don't know, maybe sometimes it gets me into trouble or makes me do irrational things. Maybe I should base my decisions more on intellect, but I am a very feeling person. It said so on my Jung typology test!
Hi Rob,
So good to see you again. :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
You know how the saying goes. You need to heal yourself before you can heal others. It might make us feel selfish, but how can we help others when we ourselves haven't even arrived home yet?
Hi Lucid,
The Internet is my safe-haven. When I am here, I feel safe. It allows me to connect with others on a level that I can't connect with in real-life.
Here there is philos and agape.
Hi Jim,
I was going to say more, but then I became speechless. :)
How much of yourself do you see in my original post? My guess is that you see a lot, but I'm asking just so I can measure my intuition's honesty. :)
I spent Saturday at Bristol Airport so my birthday was spent in two countries. The path was above the clouds and the weather was great.
Hi Leighton,
I missed your birthday. :(
Well, happy birthday anyway!
Hope you don't mind if I give you a birthday hug, so, here's your hug:
Sophia, my favorite, I see myself thru your trials and tribulations, your triumphs and treasures. By your life, I can measure mine, by your perspectives, I can see mine better, by your sufferings, I can understand my own.
You are a treasure indeed, always have been and always will be.
I like the way you communicate with me. I feel so much love coming from you. You really put out some good vibes. When I think of Jim, I think of a man with a big heart. Thank you for not being afraid to show it. You have always been yourself, a kind, artistic, creative, poetic, spiritual, articulate, loving, wise, precious soul.
Sophia, you are always in my heart and mind. In your posts I see you reaching for the stars, wanting to know the unknown, wanting to grasp the essence of life, your desire for that, will bring that life to you, keep writing and loving, you are one of a kind, and a treasure to all.
I'm just part of something special, as are you. :)
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