Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am Just a Cup

We are just cups into which has been poured the spirit of life.


goatman said...

Sometimes I think that I was issued a leaky cup and have to constantly seek inspiration to refill it. But nonetheless there seems to remain always a smidgen to remind me of its purpose.
Your thought brightens my day.

Sophia said...

I sometimes feel like I have a leak, too, or that my cup is empty, but it's only my mind playing tricks on me. The trick is in remembering that your cup can never be anything but full. Not only that but we all fill our cups from the same source.

You've brightened my day, too, by stopping by for a visit.

Bob said...

In my view simple insights like this often have a greater impact than more complex insights as in your previous post.

Sophia said...


That is kind of you to say. Thank you. I can't come-up with anything complex, anyway, even when I try really hard. :)

Vincent said...

I think your post was a little passive.

I'm an ingredient of the spirit of life that's poured into all those cups!

jon be me said...

are we actually the spirit of life itself that has been poured into that cup instead of vise versa?