Thursday, July 10, 2008

Emotional Security Found in Old Books

I'm reading _Persuasion_ by Jane Austen.

If I have nothing else, I have my books. I am safe there, within the pages. And moments of the day go by, where I'm imagining in my head what the characters look like, what they're thinking. I replay mental visions in my head of the events of the chapters, even while I'm stopped at a stoplight.


Jim said...

take care of yourself love, call me always!

Davoh said...

Yup, as we struggle with immediate time - the shades of the ancestors will always be with us..

V said...

I could never finish a 5-cent romantic novel. But interesting material. Good for pick-up artists.

Alexander M Zoltai said...

I'm really with ya on this one!

Found a "shelf" at called World Library with free e-books from

I just downloaded the complete works of Shakespeare!

I just love that space of fictional truth--often more real and meaningful that "reality"...

~ Alex

V said...

How to deal with a jerk. Ignore him.