Sunday, June 29, 2008


What does this emptiness mean?


Anonymous said...

The Magnificat (Luke 1:46)

My soul doth magnify the Lord.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is his name.
And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him.
He hath shewed might in his arm: he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble.
He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
He hath received Israel his servant, being mindful of his mercy:
As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever.

Jim said...

This I don't know exactly dear Sophia, my love who lights up my days with delightful murmurrings about the world and who seeks to right the uglinesses and wrongs perpetrated by villians who walks in dark nights without her light.

But my love, I do know that these words that are filling your blog posts these days, these nectar-like offerings that I receive in a stream thru email and bright computer screen, are fabulous and wonderful to behold! I do know too that they show beauty springing from the fingers and mind and the coordinations between them of a wonder of all creation!

Indeed, my love, I am pleasured immensely and endlessly to read them daily, to drink in their sounds and sights and allow my own mind to go a'waltzing about the universe of your world, how astounding the magnificent of these tripping dances that issue from your splendid being!

Truly my love Sophia, I pray that you will never stop loving, never stop reflecting your light and its wonderful questing radiance!

Often I move these feeds to my desktop and sit gazing in excellent tyme and repose, finding spectacles of amazing luminous sparkles beckoning me to behold yet another gift, yet another utterance from the tender and bountiful mouth of my love, my Sophia, my friend, my confidante, my thanks always going out to God for your praiseworthy continuance!

You fill worlds Sophia with life and you satisfy beyond the realm of humanity, you enlighten even the light that exists, you brighten the lamps that were already lit, you turn souls to see and spirits to hear, you attract even the darkness itself to become illuminated thru its own devices transfiguring even its own being!

I don't know what that might mean my dear love Sophia, but I do know a little of what you mean to this world, you mean love, and I implore you Sophia, my love, to keep talking, keep writing, keep asking, keep telling, keep exploring, keep your wit and integrity intact as you blaze your fire thruout the emptiness of space and thereby light up the vast reaches of mind and thought and imagination!

In other words Sophia, my love, you are most wonderful every day regardless of what else that day brings!

V said...

Nothing. Nothingness. But what else is there anyway?

V said...

Ecstasy! And the laundry.

Sophia said...


Did you convert?


I tried the Bible to fill the empty hole in my heart when I was a teenager. Well, here I am; the hole is still there.

Sophia said...


You always make your entrance with perfect timing. Have I ever told you that?

If only I could repay you with words as poetic as yours, but I am not a poet, I'm just a simple woman. However, if I could translate my feelings into words, this post would be a novel. There's that problem, again, the one about the mind not understanding the language of the heart.

I am elated that I play a role in your life to the extent you would say to me that I light up your day.

I do not know that I right wrongs or brighten lights, especially when I am so often so very wrong myself, but I appreciate that you think so. :)

All I know is that sometimes when I'm feeling down in the dumps, you have this magical way about you of giving me just the right amount of affection and attention to help lift me up again. That is what I call a "friend". Thank you.

Sophia said...


I've always adored your crazy wisdom.

Jim said...

Sophia, thanks for the acknowledgement and the receipt of my love. It is true that you can always remember that I love you, dear Sophia, and that means something because I am somebody, as are all these others who, even sporadically, follow your journey, your heart and your soul and Spirit, no matter what any think of motive, love is in the way and they, we, are all meaningful to you, remember, you are loved indeed and in Spirit and forever!

Stay up Sophia and stay active in whatever moves you whenever, speak your mind, you are a poetess and becoming more of one everyday, keep walking and quit worrying about it, chase the blues away with the established truth of your value to me and these others, to you surrounding people and to the world, you will grow in it, you are young yet and you will grow in it. Love to you Sophia, and to all that is yours, thanks for being there my love!

Sophia said...

Hi Jim,

I feel like you and the others that follow my journey are my guardian angels. It's nice to have someone watching over me. :)

Anonymous said...

No I did not convert. You just reminded me of this music "The Magnificat" which I recently have been listening to.

Christianity aside, "the lord" to me means the higher self in each person. Also it seems to me that the lower self must become humble or even "empty" to make some space for something else.

I think that the bible (and other stories) can make a lot of sense if taken as a description of human psycholgy rather than as a historical document. Of course both could be valid.

I am glad that you are back to blogging. :)

Sophia said...


Becoming humble sounds easier than it is.

It sounds to me like you know the secret of sacred stories.

Yes, I am back to blogging, and quite obsessively. I wonder to myself if it is just another phase.

Communication online between me and other humans seems to be very important to me.

How have you been?

Anonymous said...

Hello Sophia,

Yes it seems to be very difficult to become humble. The more you succeed the more temptation there is to be vain :) (hopefully "The Lord" is not too demanding)

But so it is with all organic things. A tree may be required to grow one inch in it's first year and twenty inches in it's second year.

I am having a bit of a bumpy ride, externally and internally, but I am also receiving many wonderful things. Over all I feel quite lucky.

See you soon.