Monday, December 22, 2008

Igloo Scrabble

Jacki likes playing Scrabble with Puff, even when it's so cold there are ice fractals on the windows.


klaus s said...

And after they played Scrabble they contemplated the wonder of ice fractals on the window, together.

Anonymous said...

Fractals are so wonderful. A branching tree has a fractal shape. You cut off a branch and it has the shape of the entire tree.

Relationships follow fractal rules. From the smallest, atoms relating, to the biggest, galaxies relating, similar laws of interaction apply.

donstockbauer *attt*

Sophia said...


And they thought that fractals were proof that God exists....

Sophia said...

Hi Don,

It's fun to see the fractals in the natural world, like broccoli or cauliflower and coast lines. One of my favorites are sunflowers.