Monday, June 29, 2009

What to Do?

For the past few days I have asked myself over and over again, what can I do to assist my fellow humans in Iran or other countries slow to make change in modern times? Not being a well known celebrity or political figure, I feel powerless. I've tried to come up with some ideas. I feel like one small person without the ability to influence others or to move people to take action. So I need to ask for your help. What ideas do you have that we could try?

I have been looking for an address to write to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but have been unsuccessful. If anyone knows where this can be found, please let me know. I thought some of us could write letters to him to send in the mail, not as Americans or other countrymen, not as Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc., but as fellow humans. Without an air of anger, we could write diplomatically asking him to allow Iran's citizens more freedom of expression and equality. I think kindness and civility can accomplish more than anger. Sometimes when you ask nicely, you may be surprised.


Mem Key said...

I hope I do not sound like I am missing your point by saying that there is nothing more powerful that you could do for our friends in Iran than Prayer.

There is nothing that would move the Universe into action more than to see Humans on opposite ends of the globe praying for one another.

You can wear a small green fabric around your wrist. The Power you possess is attention and focus.
Give their opression attention, with the Intention of seeing it Resolved.

You see Sophia, by simply changing your worldview, you just changed America. One piece at a time is how all Buildings are built.

Many of us are changing in Thought. Americans used to not care. Now, we did not change forms, only beliefs and thought patterns.

Remember as well. The Gates of Heaven are closed to mankind down here, but can be opened a smidge when crying during prayer.
Blessed are they who cry openly during prayer. It simply means you are speaking your heart and in this case, have true compassion for those you pray for.

With this knowledge, tears are your small gate to have your prayer answered very soon. Angels will console you. It is Good.

We possess no greater power to reach from here to Iran then Prayer. All the missiles in the world couldn't penetrate as deep into Humans hearts as Prayer and Compassion.

You do much already Sophia. More than you can Imagine.

*Mem Key*

Sophia said...

Hi Mem Key,

The green fabric is an awesome idea! You are so creative. Do you remember those awareness bracelets that people used to wear? It's kinda like that. It is along the lines of creating a talisman to have something to focus our attention on.

Thanks for your encouragement!

tao1776 said...

I found myself getting angry over my inability to confront various decisions made by those that were so quick to send young men and woman to places that they themselves would not go to do what they themselves could not do.
Anger was not the way.
When given the opportunity to do good, I do good; and then move on.
I have found that the move good you do, the move opportunities arise to do more good.
That is my practice.

Sophia said...

Hi Tao,

I've wondered, how does an enlightened person help the world? My approach lately has been to not avoid the news, especially recently, because I have a friend that lives in Tehran, so the current events there have become very personal to me. I deliberately send out into the Universe a pleasant thought for every bad article I read.

I want to save the world! I do so in my daydreams sometimes!


This is an superb statement from Mem Key. I can't say anything more.

human being said...

Sophia... when i read this post in my Reader the day you posted it, i cried with joy to see how blessed i am to have such a friend like you... at that time i couldn't visit you... now i can visit you agian...

and now the comments once again bring the tears...

it was and still is a horrible time... witnessing hundreds of deaths and unbelievable brutality and suppression... but Iranian people gained lots of things too... a big gain was that the people of the world noticed how our dreams are one... and those things they had heard about Iran had nothing to do with the people... Iranian from time immemorial were in search of love and peace...

and Sophia... these politicians know what they are doing... no letters will change their minds...

as dearest Mem Key said we just need your prayers and attention...

and you've already shown how concerned you are...

don't forget July 25th...

a big tight hug!