Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Balancing Chakras

Last week I ordered a CD from It was Steven Halpern's "Chakra Suite" album. It arrived in the mail yesterday. The purpose of the CD is to balance the seven chakras and to create an overall sense of well-being. It is a "healing" CD. Immediately upon playing it, I could feel the energy cycling through the centers, starting first with the root chakra, then to the navel chakra, up to the solar plexus, to the heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and finally to the crown chakra. As the CD continued to play, I noticed my breathing slowed down immensely. My body seemed to melt into the bed. Before long, I lost my sense of gravity and it felt as if I had forgotten my body. That is how relaxed I became.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Stacey, for your comments.

You will never get to the point where you remember all your dreams, although this to a certain extent undoubtedly is a matter of training. Whilst interpreting your dreams, it may be prudent to determine which part of the dream(s) is a result of of your (wise) subconcious mind working on factual matters and instructions from from your concious mind, and which part that stems from a mere discharge of impressions that your 5(?) senses may capture during a day. In addition, you may also have different types of dreams that seemingly don't fall into either one of the aforementioned categories. These are the most difficult ones to remember, not to say interpret.

Good luck with your quest. I'm certain you're on the right path.

Regarding spam, I'll let it be for the time being. Should it become a burden, it will of course be stopped.


Anonymous said...

It is said that when enlightenment is reached, one no longer dreams. The ego does not have to rid itself of its baggage!
I have not reached this point but look forward to it. Peace

Anonymous said...

Hi Change,

Thanks for responding. I think the difficult task - at least in the beginning - is to determine the difference between the three types of dreams you mentioned. Some dreams are so out-of-this-world they seem to be something only a subconscious mind could conjure-up, and have no relation to the five senses. Then there are the "everyday" type dreams that almost certainly stem from the senses.

Not too long ago, (I like to say that), when I was in college, I could remember my dreams in vivid detail. But now they seem to escape into the night, except for the rare occasion that I do remember one or two. Then there might be a week that I have good luck and remember a lot. But I haven't had a week like that in a while, now.

Thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

Hi Goatman,

If this is the case, then I must not be too far away from enlightenment! One can only hope. :)


Anonymous said...

I used to be able to fly in my dreams when I was in college (I always had trouble with getting above the treetops though) but cannot do this anymore. It may have something to do with life and experience curtailing the freedom of possibility.
I hope to fly once again now that I can see that freedom is again possible. l

Anonymous said...


I remember a semi-lucid dream I had once where I was flying up through the trees. The branches were hitting me in the face. At the same time, people were falling down from the sky.

Anonymous said...

I often have these dreams where my mind explodes and I dissolve into space! It's almost unbearable pleasure. I used to be afraid of having it, like having some epileptic attack (I never had one so I don't know how it feels). Now I just welcome it and enjoy it a lot like a roller-coaster ride.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

I'm far from being a great dream interpreter, but I have my own sense from your dream. The explosion of the mind might be the dissolving of the illusion of the "I". As it melds into space, it becomes One with all.

Anonymous said...

One time I was having one ot this dreams, and I became afraid. So I called out to Jesus (I was quite a believer, until I became disillusioned). Jesus held me by my ankles and said not to let go of me. I became afraid so I woke up. Then I never had this dreams again.
There is this woman, who cleans the workplace and who believes that Jesus is the only way. She told me she keeps praying for me.I told her about the dream, which amused her very much. I also try to tell her about my experience of losing my self-consciousness, and sociophobia
after recovering from nervous breakdown, but she's not so interested. All she tells me is to keep believing in Jesus. Strangely enough, I also lost my fear of going to hell, if I didn't believe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

Yes, it would be difficult to believe in a hell if you don't believe in a heaven. :)