Last night I was being tested in my dreams. The Higher masters must have wanted to test me. Sometimes my behavior in dreams is appalling, especially when I would never consider doing such things while awake. This sometimes worries me because I see quotes about how a man's true character is shown in his dreams. Last night I had a dream that gave me reason to have a bit of pride today. I was pleased with myself and how I had behaved. Indeed I feel that my behavior in that dream was closer to how I would behave while awake.
Here is a bit of a retelling of my dream, though brief due to having forgotten most of the dream during the day.
I was being employed by an older woman in her seventies. She was very wealthy and hired a bunch of women to work for her in her mansion. All the ladies were dressed with business attire, skirts and high heels, etc. All the women were about my age, late twenties or early thirties. She had given all the other women really fancy jobs, but condescendingly turned to me and demeaned me by saying, "But you shall work a boring desk job." Instead of being angry or frustrated I kindly curtsied and accepted the job. I remained humble.
Later in the dream I was upstairs in one of the rooms of her mansion. It was a bedroom and all over the floor there was a lot of beautiful jewelry. Mostly they were large lockets with grand scenery vignettes in gold or silver; they were reliefs. I touched them and opened them; I was enchanted by them. Wishing to explore further I got down on my hands and knees and began to crawl around to look for things. There was a hidden area near the floor in the back of the room and when I laid down to look inside the area I saw a small open box with a huge stash of cash. Something in my head told me take the money, to steal it, but I said out loud - while pushing the box away - "No, that's not nice."
Later the older woman came upstairs to speak with me. She seemed a bit sad and was telling me about these growths she had on her skin on some places of her body. She showed me one. I gently caressed it with my finger and asked her, "Is it Chlamydia?" I felt bad for her.
Now, I should say that I really didn't know what Chlamydia was until now - I just looked it up in Google and learned that it is a sexually transmitted disease. So in the dream I must have had the name of the growth wrong. The growth in the dream was a skin growth, like a type of skin tumor.
Anyway, I am pleased with myself for not having been angry at the woman for humiliating me in the beginning. Many times in my dreams I get angry. I'm not an angry person. In real life I would never consider stealing money. So perhaps now I can say that I saw a bit of my true character in last night's dream.
"a man's true character is shown in his dreams." I never heard this one. interesting. my knowledge in this subject is 0.
IMHO, dreams are the nonsense you have accumulated during the day that your mind cleans out during sleep. Many relationships have been destroyed by the babbling of the sleeping partner during sleep, describing fantasies and nothing more. The awake partner believes it (since he/she has heard "People can't lie during dreams") and assumes that an affair is going on. Sad.
donstockbauer **at**
great dream... not only you tolerated her attitude but also the job... and the way you reacted to her disease is also notable...
the place is also significant... upstairs...
and you see lots of jewels and precious things...
all signifies the higher state of mind you have achieved...
many times in our dreams we see ourselves angry or with some negative trait we do not have in real life... it is not bad... we are just releasing ourselves from a suppresion... something bothers us deeply but we cannot react accordingly... perhaps because we want to respect the person or not making him or her sad... we suppress our anger... to gain the balance we are relieved in our dream...
you've got a beautiful soul... your dream shows this...
love and peace to you
I kindly invite you to read your post from the perspective of a woman who has to "work a boring desk job" every day...
Maybe the Higher Masters are testing your now...
All the best
Kathy, here is one of the quotes I am talking about:
"Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
This morning I realized I had spoke too soon, because I awakened myself and my husband by screaming a terrible thing. Even my husband was worried by what I screamed.
Don, you may have heard a song in the 80s that goes, "I hear secrets that you keep... when you're talkin' in your sleep."
I am a dream talker - my husband has heard all kinds of strange things pour from my mouth as I sleep.
Do you or your wife speak while asleep? Sing?
Hi Human Being,
Glad to hear from you tonight. :)
I am happy to hear that some of the things in my dream represent a higher state of mind. I should go upstairs more often!
Sometimes I feel guilty for being angry in my dreams, so your explanation about that anger relieves me.
Hi Boris,
Thanks for reading - and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be employed with boring desk jobs since graduating from college. :) To be honest, desk jobs suit me better than most. I am a worker bee type. Why I would have considered it boring in the dream is beyond me. Maybe my subconscious is telling me something I don't know! :)
Yes, I've heard that song, and many people share its belief.
No, I never hear her sing or talk in her sleep, and if I do, she doesn't tell me (I think she would). If so, I hope I say only safe things!
Dear Sophia,
May be there are not boring jobs?
May be there are not demeaning assignments?
May be everything has a enlightening purpose that sometimes we just don't notice...
May be we all are part of the dream of a higher dreamer...
Thanks for visiting my site, by the way...
All the best
I think it's funny that my husband and I both talk in our sleep. He laughs a lot and I get a kick out of that. There have been times when I could interact in a conversation with him while he talked and slept.
Hi Boris,
Those statements are true when seen from a higher point of view, the same point of view that is beyond seeing good or evil. Wish I could see from that perspective all the time.
Tolle says you are not your ego. You are not your thoughts. Therefore you are not your dreams. Instant psychoanalysis and psychotherapy!
You are not greedy. But take the money anyway. That's being wise and skillful.
BTW, there are no Higher Masters. Only mediums. And mediums have no mind of their own. They listen to and believe everyone.
Anyway Tolle is wrong. You are who you are, no matter how selfish. No amount of denying that will transform you. There are no saints. Only sinners. Nobody is perfect, and knowing that is enlightening.
Perfection is painful. Imagine having to prove you are enlightened. That's hell!
V, perhaps Inner Higher Masters would be a better term for the point I was trying to make.
I haven't read Tolle but it sounds like what he teaches is ancient wisdom.
Tolle is a bestseller. He's good at selling things. Selling the Power of Now. Why didn't think of that before.
I'm World Champion Thumb Wrestler!
Tolle is a good notetaker. A recycler of junk.
Procrastination is a disease. An addiction. A drug. It keeps people poor. Unless you can sell it.
Blessed are the poor. And the poor in spirit as well.
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