Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something I Can Learn From

Living in forests far away from other people is not true seclusion. True seclusion is to be free from the power of likes and dislikes. It is also to be free from the mental attitude that one must be special because one is treading the path. Those who remove themselves to far forests often feel superior to others. They think that because they are solitary they are being guided in a special way and that those who live an ordinary life can never have that experience. But that is conceit and is not help to others. The true recluse is one who is available to others, helping them with affectionate speech and personal example.

- Prajnaparamita


Anonymous said...

Esotericism is also a timbered island.

Sophia said...

That is not what esotericism is. In fact, you could say it is just the opposite.

You don't like esotericism because you believe my studies in it have caused me to give you less attention. I hope you understand that I do not have the time to give one person all my attention. Try to look into the relationship between attachment and love. I hope you can look into this beyond the scope of ego.

Anonymous said...

Who's removing whom?

Anonymous said...

For some period of time the part of us that is not the ego is very small and helpless. It needs constant care from another who is more than just an ego. It can not help anyone very much (internally). Real helping is more like silent loving than like doing.

All of these words...

Sophia said...

Anonymous, I don't think I understand. Can you explain another way?

Anonymous said...

Well this is unrelated maybe to this post, but I've reached this blog via a link from an older blog of yours, called "Enlighten me" or something like that. I just wanted to tell you about a person which I consider enlightened and who has some very useful insights on enlightenment. His name is Bill Harris, and this blog is a very interesting source of insight into enlightenment. I've personally used his Holosync solution and had some very interesting insights myself. Not that I'm promoting this stuff as a commercial, I've also had friends for who this stuff did not work very well, but hey, for me it was amazing. Hope this may help you in some way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but now I can not explain why I chose to write that(2 responses back). I probably misinterpreted what you were saying above.

I like the idea of helping with affectionate speech and personal example. You are quite good at this Sophia. :)

Sophia said...

Hi Anonymous (re: Bill Harris),

Thanks for the information. I think I may have a sample CD from him but I can't remember. I do have a small collection of Holosync-like CDs, the most recent purchase was of the Primasounds albums. I was once heavily into binaural beats and brainwave-influencing sounds and music. Now that I am in a new place in consciousness I should try them again.

Sophia said...


Perhaps it seemed as if I was a little impatient. After having spent much time (years) trying to subtly nudge someone into Seeing, and they repeatedly show no interest in Seeing - only in receiving constant attention from me, I might have become a little frustrated. I'm glad you think I did so with affectionate speech, but it's the truth that I wish I could influence more than I am able. It's aggravating when I realize that someone is more interested in me than they are in Learning.

I probably need to learn more skills in this area.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that teaching is very difficult work, but then again, perhaps you are the one being taught by this experience.

Sophia said...

My ego reacts strangely to you!

Sophia said...

But it's not really that I am teaching, because I'm not ready to teach yet. It's just that I'm hopeful some will see the spark.

human being said...

this is it!
great point...

and teaching is just learing deeply...

Sophia said...

I have heard a quote that goes like this:

"We teach others what it is we need to learn."

I'm starting to see that.

It's probably similar to what we do when we project ourselves onto other people. I project the lessons I need to learn onto other people, and by teaching them I teach myself. Or something like that....

human being said...


but yes... all of us are living it... me included...

so we can say we teach and learn together... to one another...

that was what i said to my students when i started each class...

Sophia said...

It is more comforting that way. My projection theory seems too solipsistic, and that can only make me feel lonely.

Teamwork is better.

human being said...


the first thing we should get rid of is this guilt complex imposed on us by dominant cultural/religious/political concepts...

it all makes us alienated from others and more tragically from oursleves...

this is just us... walking on the path of life.... experiencing... making mistakes... knowing... understanding.... loving...

love and peace to you

Sophia said...

That's a good idea. I know I'm still carrying around some guilt due to some religious brainwashing I had as a child.

I prefer to be true to others and the only way I can do that is to first be true to myself, so finally after some years I think I'm being true to myself, letting my "true colors" show and releasing some of that guilt. I still have fears sometimes but nothing that will defeat me.

It is still scary being real when living in a society in which ignorance appears to be the majority.

Anonymous said...

This strongly reminds me of a film, 'into the wild', I watched some months back. It captivated me for almost a week. And I wished to spent my whole life like that way.

Link is here

Sufism also preached people to spread the message of love, peace and help others instead of living in isolation.

V said...

Whatever. Experiment.

V said...

Nobody really knows how.

You cannot stop thinking of the past. One must not ignore it. Rather one must pay attention to it so it won't keep coming back and keep bothering oneself. To repress it or push it away leads to tension, which is a waste of energy. Chronic loss of energy leads to depression and unhappiness. The opposite of enlightenment.

V said...

One must not keep blaming oneself for everything. God is responsible.

V said...

Why do we keep believing a book that is full of lies? Why do we swear by it?

I'm afraid the Jews, or rather the Israelites were right. Except for trying to exterminate the Canaanites, including sucklings and cattle.