Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mastery in Servitude

I first saw this image on the first page of the Meher Baba book I read in August. I like it, so I post it here. :)
Update: Does anyone know what the top symbol is?


Kendra Crossen Burroughs said...

The top symbol is a fire urn, the emblem of Zoroastrianism, the religion into which Meher Baba was born. I invite you to read my Meher Baba blog at

abraxas23 said...

Hi there,

Actually, you are not a soul, you have a soul. You have a soul, that has a mind, that has a body. You also may say, a soul that has a body-mind. Even the soul is mind, belongs to the supra-mental so to say. You are aware of your soul. The mere fact that you are aware of something proves, that you are not what you are aware of. You are what makes soul possible, you are what makes all souls possible. You are that, which you cannot be aware of. You are what makes everything possible.

I also like Meher Baba. What does the symbol mean? I don't know. Am I god or what? Perhaps it symbolizes the eternal flame. It may also designate some religion. Either it displays a metasymbol common to all religions, or it expresses a particular religion.

Don't get enmeshed to much in such mental riddles. It is a form of intellectual attachment, delaying your transcendence. It is all about transcending your mind. Do you want to think yourself out of your mind with your mind? Forget it. Detachment is all about letting go. It is not about understanding god. No human will ever understand god.

god bless

klaus s said...

A bucket of KFC?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sophia, and many thanks for being a great friend.

Teddy said...

This rings a bell. A Master who serves.....

Sophia said...

Hi Kendra,

Thank you for letting me know what the symbol is! I know very little about Zoroastrianism in spite of seeing the word a few times online over the years. I just took a quick look at Wikipedia to see what it is and reading through some of the beliefs I see a lot of similarity to feelings I have about the spiritual life, in particular that one day the world will have no nations or borders and that everyone will speak one language.

I will look at your blog in more detail - I have also passed it on to a good friend.

Sophia said...


Hi and thank you for writing.

I see that you are getting to the very finest point of existence, like pointing to the bullseye in the center of the target from which everything else emanates.

Having been fond of puzzles and brain teasers from a very young age, I suppose my mind is attached to puzzles Great and small.

I wonder, though, if it is possible to allow myself one small attachment while possibly knowing I'm not the I that has that attachment?

Sophia said...


There you go again, waving that magic wand that brings magic into my life in the form of smiles and laughter. :)

Sophia said...

Thank you, Mossy. Merry Christmas to you, too!

I am very lucky to have you as a friend. :)

Sophia said...

Hi A Justed,

Maybe that is the sign of a true Master.

Anonymous said...

and the sign of a true servant.

Anonymous said...

Servitude signifies slavery . The service of a slave