I am going through another creative phase. This time the flow of creative energy is extremely strong and I have been very prolific at creating my art. I take advantage of the flow when it arrives, because it doesn't stay forever. Before last month, it had been more than a year since I had created any images.
My husband probably wishes the flow would stop for a while, because I've been neglecting not only him but just about everything else.
On another note, my 30th birthday was a blast. I spent the day with my husband, father and stepmother. They took me to see "The Incredible Hulk" in the theatre. I don't normally buy movies but this is one that I'm putting on my wish list. When I was a kid, my father and I used to watch the Hulk t.v. show. The Hulk movie that came out a few years ago wasn't that good, but this remake is excellent! My dad - my hero - managed to get me a Hulk poster from the theater. I plan on getting it framed and placing it on my wall next to my David Bowie poster.
Then we went out to eat at one of my favorite restaurants. I had a Maui Margarita and got carded for it. I always get carded! My dad gets a real big kick out of it when that happens.
I received some rather magical gifts. They gave me the complete series of BBC's "Planet Earth" on Blu-Ray DVDs. The second gift made me cry, but only because of sentimental reasons. When I was a small child, my dad wore a necklace that had a photo of me as a baby on the pendant. He's kept that necklace all 30 years, and on Friday, he gave it to me. When I saw it I couldn't stop the tears. Yep, that's me, the big baby crying in the middle of the restaurant.
That pretty much wraps it up for tonight. Like I said, I've mostly been posting to my other blog. If anyone is curious or wants to see my online gallery-blog, just send me an email so I can privately send you the link.
P.S. About ten minutes ago I took an Ambien sleeping pill. When I came back to my computer, the fractal above began to move on my screen. It became very life-like. My psychiatrist tells me this is not a hallucination. Instead, she says it is called an illusion. This occasionally happens to me after I take my Ambien. Does anyone else experience this with their sleeping pills?
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